To become a member of the Swiss Society of Toxicology, please send the completed form below and respective attachments by e-mail to the address provided in the form.
- SST members are part of a diverse community of scientists and trainees in academia, industry, government agencies and consultancies and benefit from networking and exchange opportunities in this professional community
- Participation in the annual meeting of the SST at reduced rates
- Receive automatic membership in the Federation of European Toxicologists & European Societies of Toxicology (Eurotox) and benefit from member rates for participation in the annual Eurotox Congress, and receive announcements about Eurotox-sponsored events and opportunities
- Connect with members of associated societies by participation in the annual joint Spring meeting of the Swiss Societies of Pharmacology and Toxicology
- Access to three annual online Scientific Exchange Forum sessions. Each session includes two presentations on diverse current topics in toxicology and informal networking opportunities
- Access to professional development and career workshops
- Eligibility for SST Awards, including travel awards for doctoral students, poster presentation awards for young scientists, and nomination opportunities for Eurotox lectureship and merit awards
Yearly membership fee: CHF 60.-
Banking Account:
Account No. 80-2-2 (UBS AG, CH-8098 Zürich) for Swiss Society of Toxicology
IBAN: CH81 0024 3243 2716 0201 A
Bank transfer:
IBAN: CH81 0024 3243 2716 0201 A
BIC: UBSWCHZH80A - Clearing Nr. 243